World languages
Taschengeld word search
Word search based on the topic of pocket money. Useful to start or wrap up.
argent de poche missing letters
Match up activity of useful school uniform/clothes vocabulary. Useful for starter/concluding activity.
Que fait-on?
Worksheet asking students to conjugate simple verbs into the 'on' form in the present tense. They can then use these structures to create a comic strip about what people do at home.
Various forms of the definite article
Noughts and crosses game to show on whiteboard. Pupils come to front to participate in the game. Useful starter/plenary. They can decide which form to choose but must explain why.
Irregular past participles missing letters
Fill in the missing letters to create the correct past participles. Useful starter/plenary.
Die Wochentage tap the board game
Display to show on the whiteboard for a tap the board game. Invite two students to the board and say the phrase. The first person to tap the correct vocabulary wins a point.
les nationalites match up
Match up activity of useful nationalities vocabulary. Useful for starter/concluding activity.
Mein Bester Freund
Model presentation for 'Mein Bester Freund' with ideas for students to make their own presentation.
Modal Verbs
Handout to help with modal verb conjugation with translation exercise.
GCSE foundation I went OX game
Noughts and crosses game to show on whiteboard. Pupils come to front to participate in the game. Useful starter/plenary. To accompany Expo vert OCR
Speaking Example Answers
Example answers to be used to help/discuss with students for work and education topic.
haben wordsearch
Word search based on the present tense conjugations of 'haben'. Useful to start or wrap up.
Haben Und Sein
Handout explaining the two verbs in the present tense plus exercizes.
Local Area
Various sentence starters and examples to help students construct their own sentences for either writing or speaking.
Les médias
Categorising activity within media unit - introduction.
Media vocabulary list
Vocabulary list to help revision of the topic Media..
Verb Tenses Group Work
These cards are to be cut out and given to groups of 3/4 students to produce a guide to each tense. The instructions are clear on the sheets and this should take a few lessons as a group activity.
Les vetements zero and crosses
Zero and crosses game to show on whiteboard. Students come to front to participate in the game. Useful starter/wrap up.
Les dangers de la télé-réalité
Worksheet based on a French internet article about a fake reality TV show 'le jeu de la mort'.
Worksheet with questions and answers about personal information. Match-up activity.